Research Platform: Socio-Ecological Transformation

Socio-ecological transformation refers to the interaction processes of societies with nature. This includes material metabolism with nature - mediated through work - as well as the symbolic and cultural meaning making of nature. The manifold societal relationships with nature have become critical in the last decades and are described as socio-ecological crisis which needs to be  encountered by a global sustainable development. Within this discursive framework the members of  the platform participate in cutting edge investigations of the societal relationships with nature and disseminate results of the research in academic and public events, journals and news platforms. Current practice theories and a broad range of instruments of empirical research belong to the theoretical and methodological repertoire of the research.

Current Research Projects

Transformation of Cities into a Low Carbon Future and its Impact Urban Metabolism, Environment, and Society (TransLoC) (funded by Wiener Wissenschafts- und Technologiefond, WWTF)

Climate and Energy Policy Indicators in the Context of SDGs (funded by Klima- und Energiefond Austria), IHS with Wifo/Austria, Laufzeit:  2017-2018

R&DIY-U / Repair & Do-It-Yourself Urbanism (funded by bmvit, "Stadt der Zukunft", 4th call), 2017-2020

Partizipative Prozesse im kommunalen Wiener Kontext – AkteurInnen,Beteiligungslagen und sozioökonomische Hintergründe (funded by AK, Vienna), 2017-2018.

Selected Publications


Bild Beate Littig

Beate Littig

Senior Fellow
+43 1 59991 215

GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society

GAIA is a peer-reviewed inter- and transdisciplinary journal for scientists and other interested parties concerned with the causes and analyses of environmental and sustainability problems and their solutions. Beate Littig is part of the Scientific Advisory Board of the journal.