Research Platform: Transport and Mobility

E-mobility, calls for better public transportation services and active mobility opportunities as well as efforts to shift freight carrier transports to rail are but a few of the many issues that turn the world of transportation upside down. All those topics are the subject of lively and controversial debates. Due to its role as one of the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases the transport industry will be subjected to large changes in technology and usage habits for the sake of decarbonization. Mobility as a basic human need affects large parts of societal interactions that demands a widened and interdisciplinary approach.

The creation of a research platform across different research units allows IHS to analyze those topics through multiple viewpoints and across different disciplines. Researchers from three different research groups are part of the platform that aims at addressing the growing complexity of the topic by pooling the existing know-how.

According to their own research priorities, each research group deals with different aspects of the issue: The research group Energy, Environment and Sustainable Economic Structures looks at the transport industry from a sustainability perspective and quantifies i.e. the economic benefit of investments in sustainable transportation infrastructure by also considering negative externalities. The research unit Science, Technology and Social Transformation analyzes problems and chances of all things that move by means of a new mobility paradigm. The research group Macroeconomics and Business Cycles uses its experience in the area of economic forecasting to generate long-term structural forecasts as inputs to mobility models or short-term freight transportation forecasts.

Recent Publications

Braun, Robert and Randell, Richard (2023) The Political Ontology of Automobility. Mobility Humanities.

Robert Braun and Richard Randell (2022) Post-Automobility Futures: Technology, Power, and Imaginaries. London: Rowman & Littlefield, ISBN 978 1 5381 5885 2.

Braun, Robert and Randell, Richard (2022) Automobility studies. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible.

Braun, Robert and Randell, Richard (2022) Towards post-automobility: destituting automobility. Applied Mobilities, pp. 1-17.

Plank, Kerstin; Laa, Elisabeth; Laa, Barbara and Emberger, Günter (December 2022) Gesellschaftliche Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse von Investitionen in nachhaltige Personenmobilität in Österreich (KNAP). [Research Report]

Braun, Robert (5 July 2022) Automobilität: Die Pandemie auf Rädern. Der Standard.

Braun, Robert (2022) The pandemic on wheels. In: IHS Blog, 14 July 2022 [Blog Post]

Braun, Robert and Randell, Richard (2021) Futurame sadašnjosti: "problem vozača" u autonomnom vozilu socio-tehničkog imaginarija. a priori: priorinaučno-popularni časopis, 1 (1), pp. 48-61.

Braun, Robert and Richard Randell (2021) The Vermin of the Street: The politics of violence and the nomos of automobility. Mobilities,

Bürscher, Theresa; Kluge, Jan and Zenz, Hannes (May 2021) Bahnstationen in Österreich und die sozioökonomische Entwicklung von Gemeinden. [Research Report] 32 p.

Braun, Robert and Richard Randell (2021) “Getting Behind the Object We Love the Most” Transfers,

Braun, Robert and Richard Randell (2020) “Futuramas of the present: The “driver problem” in the autonomous vehicle sociotechnical imaginary.” Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7, 163.

Kluge, Jan and Zenz, Hannes (October 2020) Zum regionalen Impact von Bahnstationen. [Research Report] 39 p.

Illmann, U. and Kluge, J. (2020): Public Charging Infrastructure and the Market Diffusion of Electric Vehicles. In: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 86, September 2020, 102413.

Koch, Sebastian P. ; Sellner, Richard and Zenz, Hannes (2020) Quantitative Ansätze zur Bewertung von Verkehrsinfrastrukturmaßnahmen im Vergleich.

Schnabl, A., Amerstorfer, A., Haslinger, S., Kluge, J., Laber, J., Lappöhn, S., Tschiesche, U. und Zenz, H. (2018): Zukünftiger dezentraler Infrastrukturbedarf in Österreich: Ökonomische Effekte von Investitionen in den Bereichen Elektromobilität, Energie und Wasser/Abwasser; Endbericht.

Schmelzer, Stefan, Koch, Sebastian P. and Zenz, Hannes (2018) Ökonomische Effekte von Maßnahmen zur Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrssektors.


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Kerstin Plank

+43 1 59991 177