German Economy in Transition ‒ Weak Momentum, Low Potential Growth

The Joint Economic Forecast Project Group forecasts a 0.1% decline in Germany's…
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Amid macroeconomic shocks from the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this paper proposes a mixed-frequency Bayesian VAR model to…
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This study analyses waiting times for elective surgeries and potential determinants, including supplementary private health insurance, visits in the…
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In a current article for the European Journal of Higher Education, David Binder analyzes the question of why parental education effects on wages…
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IHS is currently looking for two Doctoral Researchers in the field of digitalization and social transformation. Applications open until 30 September.
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As of September 1, 2024, the research group for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle at IHS will have new leadership. Michael Reiter has voluntarily…

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In an article for the current edition of "Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft", Gerlinde Titelbach, Martin Ertl and Susanne Forstner analyze the effects of a…
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The Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) deeply mourns the passing of political scientist Univ.-Prof. Dr. Eva Kreisky, who passed away at the age of…
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Thomas Czypionka and Stephanie Reitzinger published a paper analyzing the societal burden of low-, moderate-, and high-risk obesity in the Austrian…
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A new IHS study analyzes the effects of changes in energy prices on Austria's exporting industry.
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As the external economic environment improves and the effects of the inflation shock come to an end, the Austrian economy is likely to return to a…
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Results of the current project round of EUROSTUDENT (2021–2024) have been published.
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IHS Senior Researcher Dr. Laura Wiesböck has been awarded the "Wissenschaftsförderungspreis der Stadt Wien 2024".
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IHS Senior Researcher Robert Braun has been talking last week at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and gave a keynote at the "Tao of AI:…
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The IHS annual report 2023 has been published in a digital version.
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The eighth labor market economics workshop will take place at the IHS in Vienna at November 8th, 2024. The Call for Papers is open now!
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In the latest report of the "So geht's uns heute" study, for the first time since the survey began, more people state that their income situation has…
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The economy still lacks momentum

Since the last quarter of 2023, Austria’s economy has been growing quarter-on-quarter, albeit slowly. The economy…
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A new research report by Monika Riedel and Clemens Zach analyzes the state of internal care in Austria.
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Survey data collected in the latest round of the European Social Survey (ESS) is now available for 13 countries available at the ESS Data Portal.
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The Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) mourns the passing of Gerhart Bruckmann who has died at the age of 92.
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IHS researchers Ines Fortin and Jaroslava Hlouskova, together with colleagues, published a paper on regime‐dependent commodity price dynamics in the…
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On 17 May 2024, the International Day Against Homophobia, Bi-, Inter- and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), the management of IHS, with the support its staff,…
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At the end of 2023, Austria's foreign trade in goods bottomed out, from where the export industry was unable to escape in the first four months of the…
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Professor Toni Whited presents her paper on Central Bank Digital Currency and Banks at the Institute of Advanced Studies (IHS) on May 23, 2024.
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Together with colleagues, IHS researcher Andrea Leitner has published a research brief on the economic, social, political and societal equality of…
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The European Green Deal promotes ESG investments to combat climate change. This IHS policy brief examines the role of sustainable finance literacy for…
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As part of the CLIMAS project, IHS is currently seeking citizen science projects that can be used to engage citizens in climate action and inform…
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In this paper IHS Senior Researcher Robert Braun argues that for addressing problems with novel technological innovations and their social impacts a…

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The Social Report 2024 was presented to the public on 9 April 2024 in the presence of Federal Minister Johannes Rauch at a festive presentation event…
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The new FIW Trade Indicator delivers up-to-date, high-quality estimates for nominal, real and seasonally adjusted foreign trade in goods data on a…
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Headwinds from Germany and abroad: institutes revise forecast significantly downwards

According to Germany’s five leading economic research…
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On behalf of the Ministry of Finance, the Institute for Advanced Studies has published two studies on financial education focussing on women and…
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For the first time since the "How we are today" survey began, more respondents expect their income to improve in the coming 12 months than expect it…
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Private consumption supports a slowly recovering economy.

The Austrian economy has made a weak start to the current year. However, in the second half…
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A new IHS paper published in BMJ Public Health presents an analytical framework of health system resilience incorporating learnings from the COVID-19…
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On 28 and 29 February 2024 the kick-off of the Interreg Austria-Czech Republic project "AI Catalyst for SMEs" (ATCZ00036) took place in Steyr (Upper…
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IHS Senior Researcher Laura Wiesböck was invited to be a speaker of the Cogitatio Press' science communication project “Let's Talk About Social…
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In recent decades, women have caught up significantly in terms of educational qualifications and surpassed men. However, this catching-up process in…
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The Federal Ministry for Labour and Economy (BMAW) is publishing the first annual results for 2023 for Austria's foreign trade in goods on the basis…

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A new paper evaluates the effects that a general increase in the minimum wage in collective agreements would have on those affected, income…
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Ines Fortin and Jaroslava Hlouskova published a paper on prospect theory and asset allocation in the journal Quarterly Review of Economics and…
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IHS researcher Georg Kanitsar published a paper on itergenerational class mobility of second-generation immigrants across Europe in the journal…
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In a new study, Gerlinde Titelbach analyzes the different representation of wage levels and distributions in central data sources for Austria.
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In order to prevent further global warming and combat the climate crisis, special attention must be paid to environmental sustainability, especially…
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In a new study, Stefan Vogtenhuber, Nadia Steiber and Monika Mühlböck analyse the impact of short-time work schemes during the COVID-19 pandemic on…
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The Institute for Advanced Studies has modernized its logo. Our mission remains the same in 2024 and beyond: research that counts.
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IHS senior researcher Laura Wiesböck is currently looking for papers for a special issue on "Informal Care in the Digital Space" that will be…
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The IHS project "Against all odds" has prevailed in an extremely competitive process and is being awarded funding from the new OeAW funding program…
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IHS health economist Thomas Czypionka, Eva Six (WU) and Michael Berger (University of Vienna) researched policy implications of heterogeneous demand…
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In Austria, around 43,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year. The increasing needs and dynamic developments in oncological care and the…
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For the purpose of the research project HearMeOut, IHS is looking for employees who are willing to talk about their experiences with online meetings…
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As of January 1, 2024, the research groups "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Economic Structures" and "European Governance, Public Finance and…
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The Institute mourns the loss of Egbert Dierker, Emeritus Professor at the University of Vienna, and a Senior Fellow at IHS since 2004. He was…

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We thank all partners, stakeholders and friends for the support and interest in our work throughout the year. The institute will remain closed from…

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The ÖAW-study "After Corona. Reflections for future crises" was presented today. IHS researcher Katharina Gangl and her team were significantly…
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Rising real income supports modest economic recovery.

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The new report of the "Ho we are today" study deals with the social consequences of the crisis in the third quarter of 2023 and focuses in particular…
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IHS health economist Thomas Czypionka and his team presented findings on the prevention of viral infections through air hygiene as an economic factor.…
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Thomas Czypionka, IHS head of research group health economics and health policy, has addressed a statement to the Austrian parliament on the revisions…
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71 new doctoral positions are being created throughout Austria as a result of the doc.funds- and doc.funds.connect- Funding by the FWF.
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IHS has developed a dashboard that displays data from the European Social Survey for Austria. Rounds 9 and 10 of the survey are currently available.
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A new €9.75m project funded by the European Commission will bring together outputs from key social science research infrastructures to inform the…
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The new report of the "How we are today" study sheds light on developments over the past seven survey waves.
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The GigClean research project focussed on domestic cleaning workers in the gig economy in Vienna. The results were presented at an online press…
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On 20 November, Ernst Fehr gave this years Heinrich Neisser Lecture on the human quest for fairness and equality at IHS. An audio recording of his…
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Ines Fortin and Jaroslava Hlouskova published a new paper in the IHS Working Paper Series on regime-dependent nowcasting of the Austrian economy.
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A new Paper, published in Ecological Economics and co-authored, among others, by IHS researcher Christian Kimmich, discusses global employment and…
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The energy transition requires a large number of skilled workers with a technical apprenticeship qualification. This demand cannot be met by the…
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On 14 November 2023, IHS and WIFO held a high-profile event on the topic of "An education offensive against the skills shortage!" in the foyer of the…
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The Education and Employment Research Group is delighted with the numerous and creative submissions received for its picture competition on the…
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The EuHEA Conference 2024 will take place in Vienna an focus on health economics from different perspectives. Submission of abstracts is possible…
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The program for the Austrian Labor Economics Workshop 2023 is now online, registration for the event is possible until 3 November 2023.
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A consortium consisting of IHS, WIFO and Joanneum Research was awarded a contract for a FWF funded project on the economic impacts of research…
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Mild recession followed by a restrained upswing

The Austrian economy is currently in a recession.
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The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated wide-ranging adaptations to the organisation of health systems. This article aims to collate insights on the role…
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In the current wave of the "So geht's uns heute" survey, a quarter of respondents expect their household income to decrease.
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IHS health economists Markus Kraus, Miriam Reiss and Monika Riedl talk about Covid-19 and (long-term) care in international comparison on the podcast…
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Purchasing power returns ‒ political uncertainty high

According to the Joint Economic Forecast, Germany's gross domestic product declines by 0.6% in…
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Competition has grown in importance in research funding. Therefore, the IHS event "Research Policy: How to distribute the cake of research funds" took…
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The rising prevalence of obesity and the development of new therapeutic approaches will pose a number of challenges for the public health system.
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The Austrian Labor Economics Workshop will be held at the Chamber of Labour in Vienna on 10 November. Submissions of papers of extended abstracts are…
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IHS research group Education and Employment is organizing a picture competition on the topic of social inequality today and 60 years ago.
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Elisabeth Frankus is the new head of the research group for Science, Technology and Social Transformation. The sociologist with a PhD conducts…
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This IHS Working Paper examines the extent to which the decline of manufacturing employment contributed to the electoral successes of right-wing…
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A new IHS study, dealing with the causations of science and democracy skepticism in Austria, was presented today in a press conference at the Federal…
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In an article published in the Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Stefan Vogtenhuber discusses the primary and secondary social…
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In his working paper, Michael Reiter develops a method to compute second-order perturbations of discrete time heterogeneous agent models.
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A new volume on 20 years of Austria as part of the European Social Survey, sheds lights on societal attitudes, preferences and assessments.
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Together with several experts, IHS developed 30 questions to test and expand knowledge about sustainable investments.
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A current report by IHS and WIFO estimated the effect of the bracket creep as a basis for inflation compensation measures for the year 2024.
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A new IHS study evaluated experiences with a value and orientation course on the topic of antisemitism, offered by the Austrian Integration Fund for…
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The record inflation, initially driven by a rise in energy prices, and the distortions in the wake of Russia’s war against Ukraine led to a stagnation…

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A new IHS study developed measures to promote a culture of philanthropy, meaning collective practices, values and emotions that could lead to more…
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In the context of the research initiative on educational trajectories, this working paper deals with educational pathways and social inequality. Based…

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On 23 June 2023, a symposium on the above question was held at AK Vienna, where strategies for the advancement of women were presented.
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The 10th wave of the ESS focuses on "Understandings and Evaluations of Democracy", "Digital Social Contacts in Work and Family Life," as well as an…
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As of 1 July 2023 Holger Bonin is the new Scientific Director at IHS. He succeeds interim Director Klaus Neusser and will lead the Institute together…
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The economic situation of Austrian households remains tense in the light of high inflation according to the latest report of the survey "So geht's uns…
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A return to a moderate growth path

The Austrian economy has been in stagflation since mid-2022. By the end of 2023 domestic output growth should pick…
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The CO2 price is intended to finally get Austria on track toward its climate goals. However, it does not enter a vacuum. Climate-damaging subventions…
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Today, the results of an IHS study on the the tourism labor market before, during and after the pandemic were presented in a press conference.
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The European Social Survey European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ESS ERIC) has opened the process to appoint a new General Assembly Chair.
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The CO2 price in Austria is rather low in international comparison. Moreover, it is too low to reflect the costs of climate change or to effectively…
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Since social media has also been used to disseminate health information for some time, both the potential benefits and the potential harms need to be…
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IHS is part of a new EU-Funded Project that designs tools and guidelines to increase the impact of deliberative democracy and resilient adaptation…
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This paper studies the implications of central bank digital currency (CBDC) on the banking system. Therefore, a dynamic banking model to quantify the…
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IHS health economists Monika Riedel and Thomas Czypionka were part of the 8th PRAEVENIRE Health Days, which took place May 22-26.
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This current paper investigates the need based distributive justice principles using an experimental approach to analyze the acknowledgment of needs.…
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In this IHS research report, the challenges of the Austrian health care system in the oncological care of patients are discussed. It is available…
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The May issue of the Empirical Economics journal, published by Springer, deals, among other things, with the effects of smart cities on employment and…
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IHS is carrying out the Student Social Survey 2023 on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research. It is a key decision…
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Janet Currie held a public keynote lecture on child health as human capital at IHS on May 8. The recording is now available online.
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For the fifth time, IHS and Statistics Austria conducted the panel survey "So geht's uns heute", this time focusing on housing.
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Anna Dibiasi is a higher education researcher at the IHS and recently led the Matura student survey, which was conducted for the first time.
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A current IHS Working Paper deals with Gender Segregation in Vocational Education and Occupations in the Context of Digitalisation and is available…
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Laura Wiesböck and Roland Verwiebe published a paper on the question of how income inequality is assessed in contemporary Austrian society in the…
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Stubborn core inflation – Time for supply side policies

The leading economic research institutes have raised their forecast for growth in German…
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During our business closure from April 6 to 11, the front desk will only be available during limited opening hours.
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Ines Fortin, Jaroslava Hlouskova and Leopold Sögner published a paper on financial and economic uncertainties and their effects on the economy in the…
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A robust labor market supports the economy

In Austria, real GDP has been stagnating since mid-2022.

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A recording of the Public Lecture by Maximilian Kasy about the evaluating of a guaranteed job program is available on our YouTube channel.
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IHS sociologist Laura Wiesböck is the protagonist of the upcoming cinema documentary FEMINISM WTF by director Katharina Mückstein.
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Two European Institutes sign Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to formalize their collaboration in an effort to promote academic cooperation and…
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8 March is not only a symbolically important day for women. The de facto equality of women and men, the equal rights of all genders and the fight…

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Our current newsletter deals among other things with the green tech subsidy race, the new IHS director and the challenges and potentials of artificial…
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A current IHS study commissioned by the AMS Lower Austria analyses the potentials and challenges of photovoltaic and wind power expansion in Lower…
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On the anniversary of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine, it is important not only to show solidarity towards Ukraine in the struggle for…
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Negotiations to fill the position of scientific director of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) have been successfully concluded. Prof. Dr.…
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In a paper published in Empirical Economics, José-Ignacio Antón, René Böheim, and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer analyze the effect of migration on unionization…
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The vienna chamber of labor has announced to fund 31 projects as part of its Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0. Among them is the IHS project HearMeOut…
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A current study examines the links between economic policies put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic to support domestic businesses and subsequent…
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In a two-part blog series, Andreas Huber and Thomas König explore the 60-year history of IHS.
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The research group Regional Science and Environmental Research, headed by Klaus Weyerstrass, changed its name to Energy, Environment and Sustainable…
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The results of the fourth wave of the "So geht's und heute" survey conducted by Statistik-Austria and IHS on a quarterly basis show that the economic…

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A current IHS study discusses energy saving measures in the workplace from a behavioral point of view and presents empirical studies on the subject.
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IHS is currently conducting a study as part of the AK-Digifonds funded project "Smart Working - Fostering Women in Leadership Positions".
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Is skepticism about science particularly prevalent in Austria? This is one of the questions addressed in a recent IHS study. Interim results show that…
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Jan Kluge, Sarah Lappöhn and Kerstin Plan indentify relevant indicators of TFP in EU countries during the recovery phase following the 2008/09…
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Klaus Weyerstraß and Rijad Kovac analyze the effectiveness of different fiscal policies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a paper…
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We thank all partners, stakeholders and friends for the support and interest in our work throughout the year.
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The IHS Board of Trustees has decided to start negotiations with the renowned economist Prof. Dr. Holger Bonin to fill the position of scientific…
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Resilient economy in a difficult environment

In 2022, real GDP in Austria is expected to have grown by 4.8 %.

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A recent IHS Policy Brief provides several recommendations for the prevention of plagiarism at Austrian universities and higher education…
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An IHS study funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research deals with plagiarism prevention and control at Austrian…
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In order to generate ideas for a new look for the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and to support young graphic designers, a competition was held…
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In cooperation with the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna three young artists currently portrait their work at the Palais Strozzi until next year.
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As part of the research project "Digityps", researchers from the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and L&R Social Research have been examining the…

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Elisabeth Laa works in the research group for regional science and environmental research, primarily on projects in the context of renewable energies…
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On behalf of the Austrian Integration Fund, IHS conducted an analysis of migrant economies in Vienna between January and October 2021. The research…
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