Publication: Engineering ethics education

Robert Braun, together with John Kleba (Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) in Brazil) and IHS Fellow Richard Randell, has published a new chapter on the Sociological, Postcolonial and Critical Theory Foundations of Engineering Ethics in the Routledge International Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education. The chapter argues that all engineers are also tacit sociologists: they form an opinion about the social world in which they dwell and into which they imagine their engineered artifacts will be deployed. A greater understanding of societal challenges enables engineers to contextualize their practices, understand problems, and generate engineering ideas in a more interdisciplinary and multi-dimensional way. This also helps understand how and why technology ethics (and the role of engineers) change over space (culturally) and time (historically), along with the structural changes of social systems and the history of ideas.

Link to the publication