Univ.Prof. Dr. Johannes Pollak
- European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets
Major Areas of Research European integration, theories of political representation, democracy beyond the nation state, European energy politics, parliamentarism.

Johannes Pollak is Rector and Univ.-Professor of Political Science at the International Relations Department at Webster Vienna Private University and Chairman of the Executive Board of the Institute of European Politics in Berlin. Prior to joining WVPU, he was head of the Head of the Research Group “European Integration” at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna (currently on leave). Prior to joining the IHS, he was Senior Researcher at the Institute for European Integration Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Jean Monnet Fellow at the Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI Florence, Leverhulme Fellow at the University of Reading (UK) and Senior Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Having studied political science and philosophy at the University of Vienna, he received post-graduate education at the Institute for Advanced Studies and the LSE.
Monographs and edited volumes:
The Role of EU Agencies in the Eurozone and Migration Crisis. Impact and Future Challenges, Palgrave Macmillian, 2020 (jointly with P. Slominski)
Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe. Views from the Captials, Palgrave Macmillian, 2020 (jointly with M. Kaeding and P. Schmidt)
Creating Political Presence: The New Politics of Democratic Representation, University of Chicago Press, 2019 (jointly wit D. Castiglione)
Representation, Library of contemporary essays in governance and political theory, London and New York, Routledge, 2017 (jointly with C. Lord)
Energy Policy of the European Union (The European Union Series), Palgrave Macmillan, January 2016 (jointly with M. Kreutler and S. Schubert)
20 Jahre EU Mitgliedschaft Österreich,WUV/UTB 2015 (jointly with H. Neisser, A. Maurer)Selected (Peer Reviewed) Articles
Europaskeptizismus und die Zukunft Europas. Ansichten aus den Hauptstädten, integration, 02/2020, 136-143 (jointly with M. Kaeding and P. Schmidt)
Europas Energiesicherheit: zwischen Binnenmarkt, Interdependenz und strategischen Herausforderungen, integration, 01/2020, 3-18
Two futures: EU-Russia relations in the context of Ukraine, European Journal of Futures Research, 2(1), 2014 (jointly with S. Schubert and E. Brutschin)
The Silence of the Shepherds – How the Austrian Parliament Informs its Citizens on European Issues, Special issue of the Journal of Legislative Studies, Auel K, Raunio T. (eds), The Journal of Legislative Studies, 20(1), 109-124, 2014 (jointly with P. Slominski).
The Pitfalls of Representation as Claims-Making, Journal of European Integration, 35(5), 517-530, 2013 (jointly with C. Lord).
Unequal but Democratic? Equality according to Karlsruhe Journal of European Public Policy, 20(2), 190-205, 2013 (jointly with C. Lord).
Representation and Accountability: Communicating tubes?, West European Politics, 33(5), 968-988, 2010 (jointly with C. Lord).
The EU’s Many Representative Modes: Colliding? Cohering?, Journal of European Public Policy, 17(1), 117-136, 2010 (jointly with C. Lord).Book contributions
Austria in UK in a Changing Europe, EU - UK 2030, ed. by A. Menon, H. Kassim, J. Rutter, Economic and Social Research Council 2021
Die Europapolitik in the Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union: Österreich in Jahrbuch für Europäische Integration 2019, ed. by. W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Nomos Verlag, 2019 (jointly with K. Auel)
Der österreichische Nationalrat und seine Mitwirkung in EU Angelegenheiten - eine vergleichende Betrachtung in Europapolitische Koordination in Österreich, Inter-und intrainistitutionelle Regelwerke, Funktionen und Dynamiken, ed. by A. Eppler, A. Maurer, Nomos Verlag, 2019 (jointly with K. Auel)
Die Europapolitik in the Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union: Österreich in Jahrbuch für Europäische Integration 2018, ed. by. W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Nomos Verlag, 2018 (jointly with K. Auel)
The EU's South-Eastern Corridor: Lifeline or Pipedream?, in Turkey as an Energy Hub? Contributions on Turkey's Role in EU Energy Supply, ed. by M. Schröder, W. Wessels, M. Bettzüge, Nomos Verlag, 2017 (jointly with S. Schubert)
Die Europapolitik in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Uniton: Österreich, in: Jahrbuch für Europäische Integration 2017, ed. by W. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Nomos Verlag, 2016 (jointly with K. Auel)
The EU’s South-Eastern Corridor: lifeline or pipedream?, in: Turkey's Potential as Future Energy Hub, ed. by M. Schröder/W. Wessels, M. Bettzüge, Nomos Verlag, 2017 (jointly with S. Schubert).
Österreichische Europa-Politik, in: Jahrbuch für Europäische Integration 2016, ed. by w. Weidenfeld, W. Wessels, Nomos Verlag, 2016 (jointly with K. Auel)
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Mitwirkung der BügerInnen am demokratischen Leben der Union‘, in: 20 Jahre EU-Mitgliedschaft. Einwirkungen des Unionsrechts auf die nationale Rechtsordnung aus rechtswissenschaftlicher, politikwissenschaftlicher und wirtschaftswisenschaftlicher Sicht, ed. by S. Griller, A. Kahl, B. Kneihs, W. Obwexer, Verlag Österreich, 2016, pp.429-450.
Österreichs Weg in die und in der Europäischen Union, in A. Maurer, H. Neisser and J. Pollak 20 Jahre EU Mitgliedschaft Österreichs, Wien: Facultas, 2015 pp.9-58.
The European Parliament: Adversary or Accomplice of the new intergovernmentalism?, in U. Puetter et al (eds.) Legislative and Judicial Politics in the Post-Maastricht Era: States, Supranational Actors and the New Intergovernmentalism, Oxford University Press, 2015 (jointly with P.Slominski). Which democratic principles? What deficit?, in S.Piattoni (ed.) The European Union: Which Institutional Architecture for Which Democracy? Cambridge University Press, 2015, (jointly with J.E Fossum).
Compounded Representation in the EU: no country for old parliaments?, in S. Kröger (ed.) Political Representation in the European Union: Still democratic in times of crisis?, Routledge, April 2014.
EU Parliaments after the Treaty of Lisbon: Towards a parliamentary field?, in: B. Crum and J.E. Fossum (eds.), Practices of Interparliamentary Coordination in International Politics, ECPR Press, August 2013 (jointly with P. Slominski).
Political Representation and the Common Good: a fragile relationship, in S. Puntscher Riekmann, A. Somek and D. Wydra (eds.), Is there a Common European Good?, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 156-173, 2013.Editor of the series “Future of Europe”, Berlin: Springer:
J. Pollak/M. Kaeding/P. Schmidt, European Solidarity in Action and the Future of Europe, Views from the Capitals, 2022
J. Pollak/M. Kaeding/P. Schmidt, Russia and the Future of Europe, Views from the Capitals, 2022
Major Areas of Research European integration, theories of political representation, democracy beyond the nation state, European energy politics, parliamentarism.