Pouya Sepehr

  • Science, Technology and Social Transformation
+43 1 59991 146

Science and Technology Studies (STS); Smart Cities; Urban Technology; Urban Sociology; International Development; Participation. 

Bild Pouya Sepehr
  • Pouya Sepehr is an academic researcher with a strong background in science and technology studies, urban sociology, and innovation studies from the University of Vienna, where he served as a university assistant and lecturer at the Department of Science and Technology Studies. His research interests are diverse and encompass smart cities, urban programming, critical algorithm studies, spatialized technologies, smart communities, urban development practices, and urban imaginaries. In addition to his academic career in Vienna, he was a visiting fellow at the European Ethnology Department at Humboldt University of Berlin and currently he is a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna collaborating with the research group Science, Technology and Social Transformation. He also serves as a council member of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S).

  • ▪    Sepehr, P., & Felt, U. (2023). Urban Imaginaries as Tacit Governing Devices: The Case of Smart City Vienna. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 48(9) 1-23. doi.org/10.1177/01622439231178597
    ▪    Sepehr, P (2023), Post-Automobility Futures: Technology, Power, and Imaginaries." Mobility Humanities, vol. 2, no. 1, Jan. 2023, pp. 164-67, DOI: 10.23090/MH.2023.
    ▪    Sepehr, P & Aarden, E (2023), Between Straight Lines and Winding Alleys:  Streets as Boundary Objects in the     Transnational Modernisation of Urban Planning in Iran. in B De Munck & J Lachmund (eds), Politics of Urban     Knowledge: Towards an Epistemic History of the City. Ch. 8, pp. 179-200. Routledge.

    Multimodal and multisensorial ethnography of Smart Cities - a hand in practice course for conducting a multimodal ethnography of smart cities.

    Experimenting with Digital Methods in Qualitative Research with Tommaso Venturini, 10-11 November 2022 - Pouya Sepehr (Organiser) & Virdzhiniia Vargolskaia (Organiser)
    Digital Methods or For the Liberation of Methods in Social Research. This workshop addresses a question that has grown particularly thorny in the last few years: how can social research profit from new digital data and new computational techniques? The various sections of the workshop tackle this question from different angles.

    Doing Research in STS — Winter Semester 2022-23
    Familiarizing the first year MA students with research methods in STS and mentoring with their case-based learning exercises.

    Engage with Diverse Forms of Publics in STS — Summer Semester 2022
    This seminar primarily focused on publics engagement with science and technology. Advanced MA students had the chance to study participation from theoretical and practical aspects.

    It’s not rocket Science: How to start your MA thesis — Summer Semester 2021
    In this course MA students get to choose a topic and design an STS project for their thesis.

    Scientific Practices and Knowledge Management — Winter Semester 2021-22

    Scientific Practices and Knowledge Management — Winter Semester 2019-20

    Scientific Practices and Knowledge Management — Winter Semester 2020-21
    Familiarizing the first year MA students with research methods in STS and mentoring them with their case-based learning exercises.