Citizen Bench - understanding seating-needs for active mobility

Principal Investigator: Braun Robert
Project Team: Gerhardus Anna
Project Duration: 2021
Funding: EIT Urban Mobility KIC

Project Information: The public bench represents a close practical and emotional link between the city and its citizens. It is a key element for active and public modes of transport and the well-being of citizens. This activity enables citizens to describe and share their needs of public seating accommodation through low-threshold but structured practice. It empowers citizens and creates spatial awareness, connects stakeholders and promotes exchange; it allows involvement in the ideation process and promotes emotional ownership and advocacy. The city gets a feedback of citizen’s needs, preferences and restrictions concerning the form, material, placement, orientation of benches and their use. The tool and method will be tested in Munich and be part of a future toolbox for seating policies in cities as well as of future trainings and courses (further activity in 2022).