29. Juni 2020 - 1. Juli, 2020 | Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS), Josefstädter Straße 39, 1080 Wien

In Kooperation mit den sozialwissenschaftlichen Fachverbänden 
NOeG  |  ÖGK  |  ÖGP  |  ÖGPW  |  ÖGS  |  STS Austria  EASSH
sowie Plattform Registerforschung | RRI Plattform | UmBruch

mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Präsidentschaftskanzlei   |  BMBWF  |  WWTF


Das Symposium findet am IHS statt und wird live im Internet übertragen, moderiert und protokolliert. ACHTUNG: Die Roundtables finden online statt. Sie finden die links direkt unten.

Eröffnung: Die Pandemie als Herausforderung

Montag, 29.6., 8:45-9:30

Martin Kocher (IHS & Uni Wien) Begrüßung

Gabi Lombardo (EASSH) Europäische Perspektive

Thomas König (IHS) COVID-19 und die Sozialwissenschaften

Bernhard Kittel (Uni Wien) Das Corona Panel - eine sozialwissenschaftliche Infrastruktur

Die Eröffnung kann auch online verfolgt werden: https://go.ihs.ac.at/LebenMitCoronaEroeffnung

Roundtable 1 Institutionalizing Science Advice – International Perspectives

Montag, 29.6., 16:00-18:00


Everyone will agree that it is in the public interest to base policy-making on the best evidence available - and that scientific knowledge is the place to go. This is particularly true when it comes to difficult decisions, such as school closures, economic lockdowns, and testing strategies, that affect the vast majority of the population and on rather short notice. Yet while most countries in Europe have been successful thus far in "flattening the curve", the COVID-19 pandemic has helped to sharply highlight the intricate relationship between science and policy-making. The questions are not new, but they are now posed with new urgency: how to inform policy makers about "evidence" in a dynamic situation where new scientific discoveries quickly change what seems to be known (about the pandemic)? And how to translate this shaky knowledge into decision-making in a way that is in accordance with democratic legitimization, social prosperity, and public health?


David Budtz-Pedersen (Aalborg University)
Anne Glover (Aberdeen University) (invited)
Katharina T. Paul (Vienna University)
Claudio Radaelli (University College London)

Thomas Starlinger (Präsidentschaftskanzlei)

Chair: Thomas König

Please note that this is an online event. To attend, please follow this link: https://go.ihs.ac.at/LebenMitCoronaRoundtable1

Roundtable 2 The Future of Democratic Societies in Times of Disruptive and Cumulative Crises

Tuesday, 30.6., 16:00-18:00

The roundtable will be held in Englisch.

With the Covid-19 crisis easing across Europe (for now), it is time to start reflecting on the long-term effects of the pandemic and the measures implemented to contain the virus. How have they affected democratic institutions and processes - and public trust in them? At the same time, the pandemic is only one in a string of crises over the past years. Are our democracies resilient enough to withstand the onslaught of what has been termed the polycrisis – or have they become the patient?


Ben Crum (FU Amsterdam)
Julia Ebner (Institute for Strategic Dialogue, London) 
Daniel Gros (CEPS) (invited)
Judith Kohlenberger (WU Wien)

Chair: Katrin Auel (IHS)

Please note that this is an online event. To attend, please follow this link: https://go.ihs.ac.at/LebenMitCoronaRoundtable2

Abschluss: Was Sozialwissenschaften leisten

Mittwoch, 1.7., 16:00-18:00

Moderation Eva Liebmann-Pesendorfer (IHS) & Martin Kocher (IHS & Universität Wien)

Bericht aus den Sessions
Susanne Forstner (IHS), Elisabeth Frankus (IHS), Anna Gerhardus (IHS), Gabriele Pessl (IHS), Miriam Reiss (IHS), Johannes Starkbaum (IHS), Klaus Weyerstrass (IHS)

Clemens-Martin Auer (BMG)
Heinz Engl (Universität Wien)
Sylvia Kritzinger (Universität Wien)
Klaus Schuch (ZSI)
Beate Schrank (LBG)

Der Ausblick kann auch online verfolgt werden:  https://go.ihs.ac.at/LebenMitCoronaAbschluss

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