Masoud Abdollahi Mobarakeh, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Junior Researcher

Kira Abstiens, Behavioral Economics, Researcher

Jwan Ali, IT - Information Technology

Barbara Angleitner, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Researcher

Ilja Aste, Project Support


Irina Banoiu, Digitalization and Social Transformation

Karim Bekhtiar, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Researcher

Michael Berger, Health Economics and Health Policy, Post-Doc Fellow

David Binder, Higher Education Research

Larry Blume, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Alexander Bogner, Senior Fellow

Holger Bonin, Scientific Director

Bianca Brandl, Project Support, Head of Project Support

Robert Braun, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Senior Researcher

Sebastian Brunner, Education and Employment, Researcher


Clelia Castellucci, Higher Education Research, Student Assistant

Martin Černý, Junior Fellow

Arnab Chakraborty, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Junior Researcher

Josipa Cvitic

Thomas Czypionka, Health Economics and Health Policy, Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Gesundheit


Johanna Dau, Higher Education Research, Researcher

Thomas Davoine, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Fellow

Manfred Deistler, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Anna Dibiasi, Higher Education Research

Martin Dolezal, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Fellow

Viktor Dorofeenko, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Staff Scientist

Anna Durnova, Senior Fellow


Johannes Eckhardt, IT - Information Technology

Stephanie Egghart, Communication and Events

Siegfried Eisenberg, Health Economics and Health Policy, Staff Scientist

Judith Engleder, Higher Education Research

Victoria Englmaier, Higher Education Research, Junior Fellow

Martin Ertl, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Researcher, Sprecher für Geldpolitik


Harald Fadinger, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Marcel Fink, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Researcher

Christian Fleck, Senior Fellow

Georg Fochler, Data Service Center

Susanne Forstner, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Head of Research Group, Sprecherin für Öffentliche Finanzen

Ines Fortin, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Researcher

Elisabeth Frankus, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Head of Research Group


Melanie Gadringer, Head of Communication and Events

Manuela Galanos, Accounting and Finance

Katharina Gangl, Behavioral Economics, Head of Research Group, Sprecherin für Verhaltensökonomie

Oliver Geden, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Senior Fellow

Ali Geyer, Head of Administrative Services

Peter Grand, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Researcher

Peter Grießl, IT - Information Technology, Head of IT

Erich Griessler, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Senior Researcher, Sprecher für Wissenschaft und Ethik

Kerstin Grosch, Behavioral Economics, Post-doc Fellow

Daniela Grozea-Helmenstein, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Consultant


Nora Haag, Higher Education Research

Helga Hanl-Lohn, Administrative Manager

Hanspeter Hanreich, Consultant

Sascha Harold, Communication and Events

Barbara Hartl, Behavioral Economics, Senior Researcher

Hannah Mercedes Heise, Higher Education Research, Student Assistant

Katharina Herz, Library

Petra Hirzer, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte

Jaroslava Hlouskova, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Researcher

Brigitte Hochmuth, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Post-Doc Fellow

Helmut Hönigmayer, Strategy Officer, Strategy and Scientific Services

Helmut Hofer, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Researcher, Sprecher für Prognose

Lukas Huang, Assistant to the Management

Andreas Huber, Higher Education Research, Researcher

Klara Hus, Administrative Assistant

Harald Hutter, IT - Information Technology, Data Protection Officer

Raphaela Hyee, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Post-Doc Fellow


Tabea Ikas, Higher Education Research, Student Assistant


Stefanie Jaksch, Human Resources Manager

Robert Jühlke, Higher Education Research


Georg Kanitsar, Education and Employment, Researcher

Sylvia Kappeler, Human Resources Manager

Aniko Kerschner, Accounting and Finance

Christian Kimmich, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Energie- und Umweltpolitik

Maurice Kinner, Health Economics and Health Policy, Student Assistant

Erich Kirchler, Behavioral Economics, Senior Fellow

Susanne Kirchner

Jan Kluge, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Post-Doc Fellow

Sebastian Koch, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Inflation und Preise

Maria Köpping, Education and Employment, Junior Researcher

Lea Koisser, Health Economics and Health Policy, Junior Researcher

Markus Kraus, Health Economics and Health Policy, Senior Researcher

Andrea Kulhanek, Higher Education Research

Robert Kunst, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Hermann Kuschej, Researcher


Lorenz Lassnigg, Education and Employment, Senior Researcher

Gabriel Lee, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Andrea Leitner, Education and Employment, Senior Researcher

Franziska Lessky, Higher Education Research, Senior Fellow

Harald Lettner, Facility Management

Carina Liersch, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Staff Scientist

Christine Lietz, Data Service Center

Beate Littig, Senior Fellow


Marko Maksimovic, IT - Information Technology

Sylvia Mandl, Higher Education Research

Eva Manegold, Behavioral Economics, Student Assistant

Ingrid Paola Marin Cabezas, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Student Assistant

Liliana Mateeva, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Researcher

Martin Meier, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Researcher

Cordelia Menz, Higher Education Research

Kerstin Merkel, Library, Publications Assistant

Lucas Meyer, Behavioral Economics, Student Assistant

Michael Miess, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Post-Doc Fellow

Benjamin Mochar, Facility Management, Head of Facility Management

Philipp Molitor

Monika Mühlböck, Education and Employment, Senior Researcher


Johannes Nemeth, IT - Information Technology

Sabine Neuhofer, Behavioral Economics, Researcher

Carl Neumayr, Higher Education Research, Junior Fellow


Ella O'Connor, Education and Employment, Student Assistant


Tamas Papp, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles

Iain Paterson, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Consultant

Andreas Peichl, Senior Fellow

Gabriele Pessl-Falkensteiner, Education and Employment, Researcher, Sprecherin für Jugendliche und sozial Benachteiligte

Kerstin Plank, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Researcher

Elvira Polisi, Project Support

Johannes Pollak, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Fellow

Elisabeth Potzmann, Process Management

Christina Prenner, Project Support

Yannic Prohaska, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Student Assistant


Daniela Rader, IT - Information Technology

Richard Randell, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Senior Fellow

Eva Raschhofer, Health Economics and Health Policy, Staff Scientist

Sophie Rath, Behavioral Economics, Student Assistant

Miriam Reiss, Health Economics and Health Policy, Researcher

Claudia Reiter, Education and Employment, Researcher

Michael Reiter, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Researcher

Pauline Reitzer, Digitalization and Social Transformation

Stephanie Reitzinger, Health Economics and Health Policy, Staff Scientist

Monika Riedel, Health Economics and Health Policy, Senior Researcher, Sprecherin für Pflege

Kerstin Rieder, Higher Education Research, Student Assistant

Gerhard Riener, Behavioral Economics, Senior Fellow

David Rösler, Health Economics and Health Policy, Junior Researcher

Aja Ropret Homar, Behavioral Economics, Junior Fellow

Claudia Royc, Communication and Events

Karla Rusu-Schönberger, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Student Assistant


Lorenzo Salvi, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Student Assistant

Verena Schallert-Zech, Library

Lisa Schmidt, Project Support

Daniel Schmidtner, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Staff Scientist

Karin Schönpflug, Education and Employment, Senior Researcher

Felix Schröter, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Head of Research Group

Marlene Seidel, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Student Assistant

Marcel Seifert, Behavioral Economics, Researcher

Fabian Seiser, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Student Assistant

Ivana Skazlic, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Post-Doc Fellow

Claudia Smalcl, Receptionist

Leopold Sögner, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Head of Research Group

Axel Sonntag, Behavioral Economics, Senior Fellow

Florian Spitzer, Behavioral Economics, Senior Researcher, Deputy Head

Katarina Spoljaric, Education and Employment, Student Assistant

Barbara Stacherl, Health Economics and Health Policy, Junior Fellow

Johannes Starkbaum, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Senior Researcher

Christoph Stegner, Health Economics and Health Policy, Staff Scientist

Nadia Steiber, Education and Employment, Senior Fellow

Lisa Steiner, Higher Education Research, Student Assistant

Mario Steiner, Education and Employment, Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Bildung und Schulen

Sigrid Stemberger, Administrative Manager

Samuel Stöcher, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Student Assistant

Eduard Storm, Skill Demand during Structural Change

Daniela Strasser, Human Resources Manager

Julia Studencki, General Secretary


Bianca Thaler, Higher Education Research

Guido Tiemann, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets

Gerlinde Titelbach, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Researcher, Sprecherin für Arbeitsmarkt & Soziales

Elisabet Torggler, Library, Head of Library

Iris Troppert, Assistant to the Management


Martin Unger, Higher Education Research, Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Hochschulen


Stefan Vogtenhuber, Education and Employment, Senior Researcher, Sprecher für Weiterbildung und Beruf

Thomas Völker, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Post-Doc Fellow


Hendrik Wagenaar, Science, Technology and Social Transformation, Senior Fellow

Martin Wagner, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Senior Fellow

Dominik Walch, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Researcher

Nuoyi Wang, Digitalization and Social Transformation

Adrian Wende, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Researcher

Klaus Weyerstrass, Macroeconomics and Business Cycles, Sprecher für internationale Konjunktur und Außenwirtschaft

Laura Wiesböck, Digitalization and Social Transformation

Clara Wimmer, Communication and Events

Lorenz Wimmer, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Junior Fellow

Florian Winkler, Science, Technology and Social Transformation

Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets, Senior Fellow

Angela Wroblewski, Higher Education Research, Sprecherin für Gleichstellung

Denise Wunsch, Accounting and Finance

Anna Wychert, Accounting and Finance

Katharina Wychert, Project Support


Sarah Zaussinger, Higher Education Research

Clemens Zech, Health Economics and Health Policy, Staff Scientist

Hannes Zenz, Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures, Researcher

Vlasta Zucha, Higher Education Research, Senior Researcher

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