Mag. Dr. Stefan Vogtenhuber
- Education and Employment
Education, training and labour market research, focus on credential and skill attainment contingent on social origin, occupational outcomes of educational activities and its institutional determinants, transition from school to work.

Stefan studied sociology at the University of Vienna and obtained his degree in 2002 (Mag. rer. soc. oec). He joined the departments’ academic staff in 2004. In 2015, he finished his doctoral studies in Sociology (Dr. phil.) with the cumulative thesis entitled The Impact of Vocational Specificity, Quality and Stratification of Educational Systems on the Labour Market Outcomes of Education and Training. Since 2021 he is assistant professor post doc at the University of Vienna, Dept. of Sociology. From 2016 to 2017 he was assistant professor post doc at the University of Vienna, Dept. of Economic Sociology. In 2008, he was awarded with the Austrian Vocational Education and Training Research Award for his paper on Returns to Education and Training in Austria.
Journal Articles (SSCI / SCI)
Steiber, N., C. Siegert, and S. Vogtenhuber (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
on the employment situation and financial well-being of families with children in
Austria: Evidence from the first ten months of the crisis. Journal of Family Research
34(1), 193-220,, S., Steiber, N., Mühlböck, M., & Kittel, B. (2021). The impact of occupational structures on ethnic and gendered employment gaps: An event history analysis using social security register data. PLOS ONE, 16(4), 1-18,
Download:, S. (2018). The institutional conditions of inequality in credential and skill attainment and their impact on occupational placement. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Download:
Vogtenhuber, S. (2015). Explaining Country Variation in Employee Training: An Institutional Analysis of Education Systems and Their Influence on Training and Returns. European Sociological Review 31(1), 77-90,
Download:, S. (2014). The impact of within country heterogeneity in vocational specificity on initial job matches and job status. Journal of Vocational Behavior 85(3), 374-384,
Oberwimmer, K., Vogtenhuber, S., Lassnigg, L., & Schreiner, C. (2019). Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2018 – Band 1 Das Schulsystem im Spiegel von Daten und Indikatoren (Vol. 1). Leykam.
Bruneforth, M., L. Lassnigg, L., S. Vogtenhuber, C. Schreiner, and S. Breit (eds.) (2016). Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2015, Band 1: Das Schulsystem im Spiegel von Daten und Indikatoren, Graz: Leykam,
Other recent Articles
Vogtenhuber, S., Steiber, N., & Leitner, A. (2018, November 6). Erwerbstätigkeit von Flüchtlingen: Integrationsregime, Arbeitsmarktbedingungen und Charakteristika der Herkunftsländer [IHS Series].
Vogtenhuber, S., Baumegger, D., & Lassnigg, L. (2017). Überqualifikation und Verdrängung am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt im Zeitverlauf. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 43(4), 535–568.
Hofer, H., Titelbach, G., & Vogtenhuber, S. (2017). Polarisierung am österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt? Wirtschaft Und Gesellschaft, 43(3), 379–404.
Lassnigg, L., & Vogtenhuber, S. (2013). Neuere Schätzungen zur öffentlichen und privaten Finanzierung der Erwachsenenbildung in Österreich. REPORT Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung, 2, 29–42.
Lassnigg, L., & Vogtenhuber, S. (2011). Monitoring of Qualifications and Employment in Austria: An Empirical Approach Based on the Labour Force Survey. Research in Comparative and International Education, 6(3), 300–315.
Vogtenhuber, S. (2011). Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik für Jugendliche in Oberösterreich. WISO - Wirtschafts- Und Sozialpolitische Zeitschrift, 34(2), 49–63.
Current projects
Social Research Using Register Data
Principal Investigator, funded by the University of Vienna and IHS 1-2021 to 12-2024, EUR 200,000 (IHS share)
The project aims at setting up and expanding empirical research in education and employment based on administrative data from diverse registers. This is intended to advance register research in the social and economic sciences in Austria and to make the great potential of the existing data usable for research. The project is a cooperation between the IHS (PI Stefan Vogtenhuber)
and the University of Vienna (Department of Sociology, PI Nadia Steiber). Members
of both institutions can access the data prepared by the project at the Data Service
Center (IHS), and the Data Centre (Department of Sociology).Past projects (selection)
Economic effects of establishing a system of higher vocational credentials
Principal Investigator, funded by the Austrian Economic Chamber 2-2020 to 02-2021, EUR 49,895
The aim of this study is to carry out an analysis of the potential introducing a practical
vocational education system including higher vocational education credentials. The
primary research interest lies in answering the question to what extent and why its
introduction could lead to more people starting and completing apprenticeship training and what economic effects this change would show at the various levels.Labor market integration of migrants in Austria (LIMA)
Principal Investigator, funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB, No. 17177) 12-2016 to 03-2019, EUR 115,000
Austria has developed into an immigration country and can be considered as one of the long-standing European immigration countries. Nonetheless, very little is known about the integration of past and recent waves of immigrantion in the Austrian labor market. The study aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing comprehensive and reliable evidence about the labor market situation of different groups of migrants over time, by analyzing labor market flows and comparing the labor market integration of different waves and groups of immigrants against the contextual backdrop of overall socioeconomic and employment conditions (labor demand), and the evolvement of individual background characteristics of the workforce as a whole.
Activity and Inactivity of migrant workers in Austria
Principal Investigator, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection 01-2017 to 12-2017, EUR 35,000
Co-funding to the aforementioned OeNB-project to specifically analyse inequalities in labour market participation among migrant workers according to gender and nationality of origin.
The effects of education, skills and motivation on the status attainment process: An international model
Principal Investigator, funded by the Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB, No. 16045) 07-2014 to 12-2015 EUR 83,000
The study extends the conventional status attainment model by including information on educational careers, learning motivation and adult skills. In order to bring in the cross-country perspective in the status attainment process, the aim is to develop a two-level model and regress social status on both individual- and country-level variables simultaneously. The study employs the OECD survey on adult skills (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies, PIAAC).
Job Polarisation on the Austrian Labour Market
Project member, funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection 01-2016 to 12-2016
Drawing on recent studies that find evidence for job polarisation in Western European countries between 1993 and 2010, including Austria, the aim of this study is to scrutinise the plausibility of the polarisation hypothesis for the Austrian labour market. We use an alternative classification of occupations based on the empirical wage structure observed in Austria. Findings are discussed within the frameworks of skill-biased and routine-biased technological change.
Winter term 2022
Data analysis with R (Course held in German), MA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Social SciencesSummer term 2022
Computer assisted table analysis (Course held in German), BA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Social SciencesWinter term 2021
Data analysis with R (Course held in German), MA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Social SciencesSummer term 2021
Data visualization with R (Course held in German), MA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Social SciencesSummer term 2017
Labour market sociology (Course held in German), MA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and StatisticsWinter term 2016
Labour market sociology (Course held in German), MA level,
University of Vienna, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics