Dr. Andrea Leitner
- Education and Employment

Studies in economics and sociology at the University of Graz and Vienna. Postgraduate course in sociology at the IHS (1992-1994). Doctoral studies at the University of Vienna (2001-2005). Since 1994 member of the academic staff at the IHS. Research on the interface between employment and training, gender studies, evaluation research. Scientific awards and honours: Käthe-Leichter-Preis assigned by Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour (2007); Johanna Dohnal-Förderpreis for the dissertation „Von Frauenförderung zu Gender Mainstreaming – Gleichstellung in der Arbeitsmarktpolitik“ (2006); Award of the Austrian Economic Association (NOeG) for the diploma thesis ”Bevölkerungsprobleme in Entwicklungsländern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Status von Frauen” (1993)
Gender studies: Gender equality policy, employment situation of women, interfaces between paid and unpaid employment, family and sociopolitical framework conditions of employment and the educational system.
Evaluation of labour market policy measures and programmes, structural analysis, development of indicators, interfaces between labour market and education.Qualitative and quantitative methods, systematic integration of qualitative and quantitative approaches on project design.