Daniel Schmidtner

  • Energy, Environment, and Sustainable Economic Structures
Staff Scientist
+43 1 59991 299
Bild Daniel Schmidtner
  • Daniel Schmidtner joined IHS in November 2022 and is currently a Staff Scientist in the Research Group Business Cycles, Growth and Public Finances. He holds a Master's degree in Economics from the Vienna University of Economics and Business and has a further academic background in Political Science.

    His research interests lie at the interface between environmental economics and macroeconomics. He deals with issues relating to the use of energy in various economic sectors, such as the effects of energy price increases on Austria's competitiveness in foreign trade or the impact of decarbonisation on the manufacturing sector. He also deals with matters related to the sustainable use of natural resources, such as groundwater. In the course of his work, he uses econometric models and agent-based modelling.

  • Project Reports:

    Weyerstrass, K.; Plank, K.; Laa, E.; Zenz, H.; Schmidtner, D.; Schindler, I.; Gugele, B.; Niederscheider, M.; Schieder, W.; Getzner, M.; et al. (2024): Gesamtwirtschaftlicher Investitionsbedarf in Österreich zur Erreichung der Klimaziele. [Research Report] 221 p.

    Reiter, M. et al. (2024): Auswirkungen von Energiepreisen auf Österreichs Exportwirtschaft, FIW-Research Reports, No. 2024-05, FIW - Research Centre International Economics, Vienna

    Kimmich, C.; Angleitner, B.; Köpping, M.; Laa, E.; Plank, K.; Schmidtner, D.; Schnabl, A. and Zenz, H. (2023): Photovoltaik- und Windkraftausbau in Niederösterreich: Potenziale und Herausforderungen für Wirtschaft und Arbeitsmarkt. [Research Report] 119 p.