Dr. Elisabeth Frankus
- Science, Technology and Social Transformation
Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence
Gender and diversity
Participatory research approaches

Elisabeth Frankus holds a PhD in sociology and a Master's degree (rer. soc. oec.) in sociology and education and has further qualifications in business administration, coaching and training. Since 2008, she has gained experience with European projects as a project coordinator, evaluator and content developer in areas such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, education, public safety and responsible research and innovation (RRI). Her scientific approach leads to various publications and presentations. Since April 2015, Elisabeth Frankus has been working as a Senior Researcher at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in the research group "Science, Technology and Social Transformation" with a focus on participatory methods, ethics and diversity; she has been leading this research group since September 2023. In order to make her scientific findings accessible to others, Elisabeth Frankus has been teaching at various universities and universities of applied sciences in Austria (University of Vienna, WU Vienna NDU, FH Upper Austria, FH Vienna, etc.) since 2010.
Frankus, Elisabeth and Hönigmayer, Helmut (2022) Engaging Stakeholders by Implementing RRI in the Social Lab Process – A Single Case Study. In: Blok, Vincent, (ed.) Putting Responsible Research and Innovation into Practice. Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy, 40. Cham: Springer, pp. 193-207.
Frankus, Elisabeth (2022) Mit Avataren streiten. Forschungsprojekt zu Entwicklung eines VR-Trainings für Soziale Kompetenz. OCG Journal, 47 (02), pp. 32-33.
Braun, Robert; Loeber, Anne; Vinther Christensen, Malene; Cohen, Joshua; Frankus, Elisabeth; Griessler, Erich; Hönigmayer, Helmut and Starkbaum, Johannes (2022) Social labs as temporary intermediary learning organizations to help implement complex normative policies. The case of Responsible Research and Innovation in European science governance. The Learning Organization.
Tabarés, R.; Nieminen, M.; Griessler, E.; Hoenigmayer, H.; Blok, V.; Novitzky, P.; Loeber, A.; Frankus, E.; Bernstein, M.; Wunderle, U. (2022): Challenges and opportunities for the implementation and governance of RRI in Horizon 2020: a diagnosis and prognosis. Journal of Responsible Innovation, pp. 291-314
Frankus, Elisabeth; Hönigmayer, Helmut and Kuschej, Hermann (2022) Migrantische Ökonomien in Wien. [Research Report] 67 p.
Heimerl, Katharina; Schuchter, Patrick; Egger, Barbara; Lang, Alexander; Frankus, Elisabeth; Prieth, Sonja; Kaelin, Lukas; Dinges, Stefan; Wegleitner, Klaus and Reitinger, Elisabeth (2022) Dying is never beautiful, but there are beautiful moments: qualitative interviews with those affected on the subject of ‘good dying’. Mortality, pp. 1-19.
Lang, Alexander; Frankus, Elisabeth and Heimerl, Katharina (2022) The perspective of professional caregivers working in generalist palliative care on 'good dying': An integrative review. Social Science & Medicine, 293, art. 114647.
Regal, G.; Uhl, J.C.; Gerhardus, A.; Suette, St.; Frankus, E.; Schmid, J.; Kriglstein, S.; Tscheligi, M. (2022) Marcus or Mira - Investigating the Perception of Virtual Agent Gender in Virtual Reality Role Play-Training In: VRST '22: Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and TechnologyNovember 2022 Article No.: 10Pages 1–11
Wicher, M.; Frankus, E. (2021) Gender institutionalised? Implementierung von Gleichstellungs- und Gendermaßnahmen in Forschungstechnologie-Organisationen. In A. Wroblewski & A. Schmidt: Gleichstellungspolitiken revisted Zeitgemäße Gleichstellungspolitik an der Schnittstelle zwischen Politik, Theorie und Praxis. Springer, 177 – 193.Frankus, Elisabeth; Schmid, Julia; Wuketich, Milena; Braun, Hanna; Krischkowsky, Alina; Überwimmer, Margarethe; Fratric, Alexandra; Eljasik-Swoboda, Tobias and Rathgeber, Christian (2021) Künstliche Intelligenz - Transparenz durch katalogbasierte Plattform für Österreich (KITKA). KITKA - White Paper, 7 p.
Frankus, Elisabeth (2021) Virtuelle Sterbewelten. In: Heimerl, K. et al. (eds.) Sterbewelten: Die Perspektive der Betroffenen auf ‚gutes Sterben‘. Esslingen: hospiz verlag, pp. 164 - 179.
Griessler, Erich; Hönigmayer, Helmut; Braun, Robert and Frankus, Elisabeth (March 2021) New HoRRIzon: D7.3 NewHoRRIzon Social Lab Manual – Final Version. [Research Report] 39 p.
Robert Braun, Tine Ravn & Elisabeth Frankus (2020. What constitutes expertise in research ethics and integrity? Research Ethics 16 (1-2):1-16. doi.org/10.1177/1747016119898402
Frankus, Elisabeth; Koenig, Thomas and Torggler, Elisabet (2020) Wissenschaft, öffne dich! In: IHS Blog, 14 October 2020 [Blog Post]
Heimerl, Katharina; Egger, Barbara; Schuchter, Patrick; Lang, Alexander; Wegleitner, Klaus; Kaelin, Lukas and Frankus, Elisabeth (2018) Dying worlds – the perspective of patients and relatives on good dying. In: 10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, 24–26 May 2018, Bern.
Wicher, Magdalena and Frankus, Elisabeth (2018) JERRI - Joining Efforts for Responsible Research and Innovation. Evaluation Report II. Deliverable D8.3. Dataset Workshop Feedback. [Dataset]
Braun, Robert; Frankus, Elisabeth; Schmid, Julia and Griessler, Erich (2018) Deliverable report for ENERI. Deliverable 1.3. Summary of consensus conferences. [Research Report] 85 p.
Frankus, E. & Mayrhofer, H. (2016). Approaches of Restorative Justice when Dealing with Conflicts between the African Minority and the Police in Austria. In C. Vogt & J. Kersten (Eds.), Strengthening Democratic Processes: Police Oversight through Restorative Justice with a Special Focus on Austria, Hungary and Germany. Schriftreihe Polizei & Wissenschaft., Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft, Frankfurt.
Frankus, E. & Mayrhofer, H. (2014). Police Profession as Human Rights Service. In J. Kersten, C. Decker, A. Burchard (Eds.). Police profession as a Human rights service. How to improve the relationship between European ethnic minorities and police, Münster
Frankus, E. & Mayrhofer, H. (2014). Conflicts and Conflict Resolution between Police and African Minority in Austria. In A. Koráry (Eds.). Police – minority relations: Policing – Ethnic minorities. Restorative Justice in Police practice, Budapest
Frankus, E. & Mayrhofer, H. (2014). Restorative Justice – the Austrian Perspective. In J. Kersten et al (Eds.). Policing minority communities, Schriftreihe der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei, Münster
Frankus, E. (2011), Intervention towards Burnout – Social responsibility at work. In LLinE: Lifelong Learning. Europe January 2011
Frankus, E. & Satke, M. (2010). BOIT – Burnout Intervention Training for Managers and Teamleaders. In Review of Psychology, International Journal of Croatian Psychological Association, Vol.17, No.2 2010.
Frankus, E., Grünberger, N., Steinkellner, P. (2006) Coaching – Erfolgsfaktor in der Führungskräfteentwicklung. In O. Dengg (Eds.) Coaching. Ein Instrument für Management und Führun, Wien; Schriftenreihe der Landesverteidigungsakademie.
Since 2010: Lecture in quantitative and qualitative methods as well as lectures about ethics at different Universities: University of Applied Science BFI, Department Work Design and HR Managament, University of Applied Science BFI, Departnment Banking and Finance, University of Vienna, Department of Political Science, Vienna University of Economics and Business, University of Applied Science Camous Vienna, Univeristy of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and New Design University St. Pölten.
Frankus, Elisabeth (2022) Wie beeinflussen ko-kreative Forschung und neue Technologien unsere Zukunft? [Image, Audio or Video]
Frankus, Elisabeth (2022) KI-Einsatz in KMUs und Startups. In: IHS Blog, 3 March 2022 [Blog Post]
derstandard.at Wissenschaft. Forschung Spezial (01.03.2017) Wie die Zivilbevölkerung Vertriebenen hilft http://derstandard.at/2000053325164/Wie-die-Zivilgesellschaft-Vertriebenen-hilft
Frankus, Elisabeth (2022) 4 Fragen an... Elisabeth Frankus. Thema: Wie in Kinderunis Wissenschaft vermittelt wird. [Image, Audio or Video]
Frankus, Elisabeth and Leitner, Andrea (2022) Smart Working & Homeoffice: Risiken und Chancen zur Karriereförderung von Frauen. [Image, Audio or Video]