Florian Winkler, MA
- Science, Technology and Social Transformation

Florian is a staff researcher in the group Science, Technology and Social Transformation at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. He studied Sociology at the University of Vienna and at the University of Warsaw for his bachelor degree and did his Masters’ in Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the University of Vienna. He is especially interested in phenomena that lie at the intersection of (new) technologies and social practices and has researched on various topics that relate to novel technologies and/or medicine, such as surrogacy, assisted reproductive technologies, genome editing and Direct-to-consumer genetic testing. In his MA-thesis, he examined a controversy around a planned in situ experiment of solar geoengineering in Sweden. Right now he works in two projects: AI Catalyst for SMEs, which investigates the potentials of AI for small and medium-sized enterprises in Austria and the Czech Republic and AGRO4AGRI, which is a project about a range of novel agrochemicals within which IHS is responsible for conducting a social impact assessment; drawing on ethnographic research and participatory methods.
Peer-reviewed publications
Lang, A., Winkler, F. (2021). Co-constructing ancestry through dtc genetic ancestry testing. TATuP – Journal for Technology Assessment. 2/2021
Winkler, F. (2023). A small-scale experiment with global implications? An exploration of how involved scientists, advisory committee members and critical stakeholders depict the solar geoengineering project SCoPEx [Master's Thesis, Universität Wien]. utheses.univie.ac.at/detail/67905
Griessler, E., Slepičková, L., Weyers, H., Winkler, F., Zeegers, N. (eds. 2022). The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe: Variation, Convergence and Trends. Routledge.
Lang, A., Gschmeidler, B., Gruber, M., Wuketich, M., Kinz, E., Karavas, V., Winkler, F., Schumann, S., Burri, N., Griessler, E. (eds. 2020). Neue Anwendungen der DNA-Analyse: Chancen und Risiken. Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. TA-SWISS 74/2020. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich. DOI: 10.3218/4038-8.
Lang, A., Spök, A., Gruber, M., Harrer D., Hammer C., Winkler, F., Kaelin, L., Hönigmayer, H., Sommer, A., Wuketich, M., Fuchs, M., Griessler, E. (eds. 2019), Genome Editing – Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. Zürich: vdf Hochschulverlag AG.
Book chapters
Griessler, E., Winkler, F. (2022). Emerging from standstill: Austria’s transition from restrictive to intermediate ART policies. In: Griessler, E. et al. (eds.). The Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Europe: Variation, Convergence and Trends. Routledge.
Lang, A., Kinz, E., Winkler, F., Gschmeidler, B., Gruber, M., Wuketich, M., Karavas, V. (2020). Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung neuer Anwendungen der DNA-Analyse: Einleitung. In: Lang, A. et al. (eds.). Neue Anwendungen der DNA-Analyse: Chancen und Risiken. Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. TA-SWISS 74/2020. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 31–40.
Lang, A., Winkler, F. (2020). DNA-Analysen zur Herkunfts- und Verwandtenforschung. In: Lang, A. et al. (eds.). Neue Anwendungen der DNA-Analyse: Chancen und Risiken. Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. TA-SWISS 74/2020. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 67–144.
Wuketich, M., Winkler, F., Burri, N. (2020). Neue DNA-Analysen in der Forensik: DNA-Phänotypisierung. In: Lang, A. et al. (eds.). Neue Anwendungen der DNA-Analyse: Chancen und Risiken. Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. TA-SWISS 74/2020. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 223–250.
Winkler, F., Hönigmayer, H., Lang, A., Griessler, E. (2019). Ökonomische Implikationen von Genome Editing: eine explorative Unternehmensbefragung. In: Lang, A. et al. (eds.), Genome Editing – Interdisziplinäre Technikfolgenabschätzung. vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, 361–373.