Harald Fadinger
- Macroeconomics and Business Cycles
international trade, macroeconomics, economic growth, organizational economics
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Harald Fadinger is Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim and a Senior Fellow at IHS. He is also a Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), Paris and a Senior Member of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI). His main research interests are international trade, economic growth, macroeconomics and organizational economics. Currently, he studies issues of international competitiveness, productivity, trade policy, labor markets and firm organization.
Harald holds degrees in Economics and in Law from the University of Vienna. He did his graduate studies at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, where he obtained an M.Sc. (2003) and a Ph.D. (2008) in Economics. Prior to joining the University of Mannheim, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at Université Libre, Brussels (ECARES) and Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna.
Harald Fadinger, Laura Alfaro, Nicolas Bloom, Paola Conconi, Patrick Legros, Andrew Newman, Raffaella Sadun and John Van Reenen (2023), “Come Together: Firm Boundaries and Delegation” Journal of the European Economic Association, accepted.
Harald Fadinger, Laura Alfaro, Alejandro Cuñat and Yanping Liu (2023), “The Real Exchange Rate, Innovation and Productivity” Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming.
Harald Fadinger, Christian Ghiglino and Mariya Teteryatnikova (2022), “Income Differences, Productivity, and Input-Output Networks” American Economic Journal, Macroeconomics, 14(2), pp. 367-415.
Harald Fadinger, Jean-Victor Alipour and Jan Schymik (2021) “My Home Is My Castle - The Benefits of Working from Home During a Pandemic Crisis” Journal of Public Economics, 196, 104373.
Harald Fadinger and Jan Schymik (2020), “The costs and benefits of home office during the Covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from infections and an input-output model for Germany,” Covid Economics 9, pp. 107-134
Harald Fadinger, Laura Alfaro and Maggie Chen (2019), “Spatial Agglomeration and Superstar Firms: Firm-level Patterns from Europe and U.S.,” ECB Forum on Central Banking, Conference proceedings 2019.
Harald Fadinger, Juan Carluccio, Alejandro Cuñat and Christian Fons-Rosen (2019), “Offshoring and Skill-upgrading in French Manufacturing,” Journal of International Economics, 118, pp. 138-159.
Harald Fadinger, Laura Alfaro, Paola Conconi and Andrew Newman (2016), “Do Prices Determine Vertical Integration?,” Review of Economic Studies, 83(3), pp. 855-888 (lead article).
Harald Fadinger and Karin Mayr (2014), “Skill-biased Technological Change, Unemployment and Brain Drain,” Journal of the European Economic Association, 12 (2), pp. 397-431.
Harald Fadinger, Alessia Campolmi and Chiara Forlati (2014), “Trade Policy: Home Market Effect versus Terms-of-Trade Externality,” Journal of International Economics, 93 (1), pp. 92-107.
Harald Fadinger, Romain Aeberhardt and Ines Buono (2014), “Learning, Incomplete Contracts and Export Dynamics: Theory and Evidence from French Firms,” European Economic Review, 68, pp. 219-249.
Harald Fadinger and Pablo Fleiss (2011) “Trade and Sectoral Productivity,” Economic Journal, 121 (555), pp. 958–989.
Harald Fadinger (2011) “Productivity Differences in an Interdependent World,” Journal of International Economics, 84 (2), pp. 221-232.