Dr. Laura Wiesböck
- Digitalization and Social Transformation
Social Inequality
Labour Market
Online Research Methods
Qualitative and Multi-method Research

Laura Wiesböck has been the Head of the Junior Research Group Digitalization and Social Transformation at IHS since January 2025 and a Senior Researcher since April 2022. She holds a doctorate in Sociology from the University of Vienna. Throughout her academic career she has also studied, conducted research or taught at Oxford University, University of Ghana, and National Taiwan University among others. Her research interests fall in the field of social inequality with a focus on gender, labour and platformization. The sociologist was granted several prizes in recognition of her academic work (e.g. Prize of the City of Vienna for the Humanities, Käthe Leichter Prize, Kurt Rothschild Prize, Theodor Körner Prize). In addition to scientific articles, Laura Wiesböck regularly communicates research findings and perspectives to the public throughlectures and media interviews (e.g. Associated Press, Libération, DIE ZEIT), and advocates for a life free from violence and economic dependence for women*.
HearMeOut – Gender and Online Meetings
Project Lead: Laura Wiesböck
Team: Julia Radlherr
Duration: June 2023 – December 2024
Funding: Digifonds of the Vienna Chamber of LabourQUEERDEM – Democratic Practice of LGBTIQ+ Persons in Vienna
Project Lead: Laura Wiesböck
Team: Ekaterina Osipova, Ella O'Connor
Duration: March 2023 – August 2024
Funding: City of Vienna – 'democracy in progress' callGigClean – Working realities of gig-based female cleaners in private households in Vienna
Project Lead: Laura Wiesböck
Team: Mai Linh Angelique Vo, Julia Radlherr
Duration: April 2022 – November 2023
Funding: Digifonds of the Vienna Chamber of LabourCAREDEMIA - Careers of female early-stage researchers with care responsibilities in the COVID19-pandemic
Project Lead: Laura Wiesböck
Team: Maria Köpping
Duration: May 2022 – February 2023
Funding: City of Vienna, Vienna Chamber of LabourLehre
Universität Wien
VO Struktur und Entwicklung der Gegenwartsgesellschaft: Europa im Wandel | gemeinsam mit Roland Verwiebe | Link
FS Forschungslabor 2: Schrumpfende Mittelschicht in Österreich | gemeinsam mit Roland Verwiebe | Link
FPR Forschungspraktikum 1: Migrationsforschung in der Soziologie | gemeinsam mit Roland Verwiebe und Raimund Haindorfer | Link
FPR Forschungspraktikum 2: Migrationsforschung in der Soziologie | gemeinsam mit Roland Verwiebe und Raimund Haindorfer | Link
SE Virtuelle Ethnographie – Digitale Räume erforschen | Link
WS Gesellschaftsdiagnosen: Soziologie der Liebe | Link
WS Gesellschaftsdiagnosen: Coolness als kulturelle Praxis | Link
UE Professionalisierung wissenschaftlicher Recherche | Link
UE English Reading and Writing for Sociologists | Link
Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
UE Sociology and Human Rights
Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität Wien
VO Introduction to Philosophy of Social Research | gemeinsam mit Barbara Rothmüller
University of GhanaSE Contemporary Social Theories | gemeinsam mit Dan-Bright Dzorgbo.
SE Quantitative Methods and Social Research | gemeinsam mit Rabiu Asante und Sylvia Gyan.
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Wissenschaftskommunikation | 28. Februar 2022
Kunstuniversität Linz
Scham und Beschämung als Herrschaftsinstrument | 11. Jänner 2022
Hochschule Merseburg
Über die (Re)Produktion von Sozialer Ungleichheit | 2. November 2021
FH Wien
Soziale Ungleichheit, Sprache und Macht | 21. April 2021
Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
Einführung in qualitative Interviewmethoden | 12. April 2021
WU Wien - Wirtschaftspolitische Akademie
Sprache und Macht: Rhetorische Strategien zur (Re)Produktion sozialer Ungleichheit | 14. Oktober 2017
Arbeitsmobilität in Europa am Beispiel der Central European Region | 11. Oktober 2014