Mag. Martin Unger
- Higher Education Research
Students, Graduates, Funding of Higher Education

Graduate of sociology from the University of Vienna. Postgraduate course in sociology at the IHS. As an undergraduate, work for the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (report on universities, social report on undergraduates, etc.), participation in projects at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies of Austrian Universities (iff), since 1998 researcher at the IHS.
Between 2004 and 2015 lecturer at the Univ. of Economics in Vienna (empirical social research) and at the Univ. of Vienna (empirical social research, project planning, selectivity of the education system).
Board member of the Gesellschaft für Hochschulforschung (Society for Higher Education Research) and member of the Executive Committee of EAN - European Access Network.
Main areas of research
Social situation of students (e.g.
Performance of dropouts and graduates on the labour market.
Diversification of HE systems.
Funding of higher education institutions.
Ongoing reforms of higher education institutions in Europe (Bologna-Process).