Main research areas
Experimental Sociology, Behavioral Economics, Justice Research

Sabine Neuhofer joined the IHS in October 2021. She obtained a PhD in Sociology from the University of Vienna in 2020. During the completion of her PhD she received a Marietta-Blau Scholarhsip and stayed as a visiting researcher at Nuffield College, Oxford, and the research center on inequality and social policy (socium), University of Bremen. Previously she held a postdoc position at the University of Vienna and was part of the DFG/FWF research group "Need-based justice and distributive procedures".
Kittel Bernhard, Sabine Neuhofer, Manuel Schwaninger (2020). The impact of need on distributive decisions: Experimental evidence on anchor effects of exogenous thresholds in the laboratory, PLOS ONE.
Schwaninger, Manuel, Sabine Neuhofer & Bernhard Kittel (2019). Offers Beyond the Negotiating Dyad: Including the Excluded in a Network Exchange Experiment, Social Science Research 79, 258-271.
Neuhofer, Sabine, Ilona Reindl & Bernhard Kittel (2015). Social Exchange Networks: A Review of Experimental Studies, Connections 35 (2), 34-51.