Thomas Völker
- Science, Technology and Social Transformation
Practices of knowledge production and circulation in environmental governance
Participatory democracy in policy making

Thomas Völker is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Sciences and Humanities (SVT) of the University of Bergen and a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in Vienna. Initially trained as a sociologist, in his PhD thesis Völker studied “futuring” practices in transdisciplinary sustainability research from a Science and Technology Studies (STS) perspective. After finishing his PhD at the University of Vienna, he joined the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), where he further developed his research interests towards questions about participatory decision-making at the multiple interfaces between science, policy and society. Völker has been working both in academia and policy with his research focusing on practices of knowledge production and circulation in environmental governance as well as on collective experiments with participatory democracy in policy making.