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Dissertation Projects at IHS

IHS hosts a class of junior researchers in economic and social sciences. While formally enrolled at the university of their choice, they are employed at the institute to carry out their dissertation projects. Senior researchers act as mentors. The institute also provides crucial support (infrastructure, access to data, training opportunities, etc.). This embedding is unique in the Austrian scientific landscape.

An analysis of individual and contextual factors, aspirations, and decision-making processes

Maria Köpping

Mentor: Monika Mühlbock, Stefan Vogtenhuber
Advisor: Nadia Steiber
Institution: University of Vienna (Faculty of Social Sciences)
Start: 2023

This dissertation project is part of the Research Initiative “Analyzing Educational Trajectories

Marcel Seifert

Mentor: Katharina Gangl
Advisor: Harald Wilfing
Institution: University of Vienna (Faculty of Life Sciences)
Start: 2021

This dissertation is partly funded by the Jubiläumsfonds of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, grant number 18609, “Optimally designing financial advice".

Magdalena Wicher

Advisor: Roger Strand
Institution: University of Bergen, NO – Faculty of Humanities
Start: 2019

An analysis with a focus on students with a migration background

Sarah Zaussinger

Mentor: Andrea Leitner
Advisor: Johann Bacher, Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger
Institution: JKU Linz (Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics & Business)
Start: 2019

Karim Bekhtiar

Advisor: Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
Institution: Johannes Kepler University, Linz – Department of Economics
Start: 2018

This dissertation is partly funded by the Jubiläumsfonds of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, grant number 18462, “Technological Change, Internal Migration and the Depopulation of Rural Areas".

Bianca Thaler

Advisor: Christoph Badelt, Johann Bacher, Barbara Schachermayer-Sporn
Institution: Vienna University of Economics and Business
Start: 2018