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"Prüfungsinaktivität" in Bachelor and Diploma degree programs

Team: Bianca ThalerAndrea Kulhanek, Nina Schubert, Nora HaagMartin Unger
Duration: 2021
Funding: University of Graz

A substantial part of the university funding is based on the number of degree programs in which students achieve at least 16 credit points per academic year (“prüfungsaktiv”). To increase the number of degree programs that are “prüfungsaktiv”, it is crucial to know why students do not accomplish enough credit points. This project examines reasons for (not) reaching 16 credit points at 13 public universities in Austria. 

First, the current national and international state of research will be reviewed to reveal any potential research gaps in Austria. Then, register data of students – merged with the Labor Market Database (AMDB) – and multivariate models are used to find factors influencing accomplished credit points. Furthermore, in-depth qualitative interviews are conducted based on a short questionnaire among students.

Project report in the IHS Repository (pdf in German)