Labor market integration of migrants in Austria (LIMA)

Project Lead: Stefan Vogtenhuber
Team: Andrea Leitner, Nadia Steiber
Duration: 2016–2019
Funding: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), funded under the economics special focus area “Migration, labor market and economic growth”

Austria has developed into an immigration country and can be considered as one of the long-standing European immigration countries. Nonetheless, very little is known about the integration of past and recent waves of immigration in the Austrian labor market. The proposed study aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing comprehensive and reliable evidence about the labor market situation of different groups of migrants over time, by analyzing labor market flows and comparing the labor market integration of different waves and groups of immigrants against the contextual backdrop of overall socioeconomic and employment conditions (labor demand), and the evolvement of individual background characteristics of the workforce as a whole.

Output: working papers, journal articles, constructing a new register- and process-based database