Completed Projects

Macroeconomic Consequences of Reform Options for Corporate Income Taxation

Principal Investigator: Susanne Forstner
Project Members: Susanne ForstnerThomas Davoine
Project Start: September 2018
Funding: Austrian Chamber of Labour

National Parliaments and the European Policy Process

Principal Investigator: Katrin Auel
Project Duration: Ongoing Project since late 2014
Project Output: Journal articles
Funding: Centre des Etudes Européennes (CEE), Sciences Po Paris

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Bashing Europe! - The construction of Europescepticism in Austria

Principal Investigator: Johannes Pollak
Project Members: Peter Grand, Guido Tiemann, Daniel Gaubinger
Project Duration: May 2017 - December 2019
Project Output: fact sheets about relevant topics, journal articles
Funding: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)

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Academic Research Network on Agencification of EU Executive Governance (TARN)

Principal Investigator: Johannes Pollak
Project Duration: September 2015 - August 2018
Project Output: a research, information and agenda-setting network informing agency operation within the EU in a transnational setting
Funding: ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union

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FIRSTRUN - Fiscal Rules and Strategies under Externalities and Uncertainties

Principal Investigator: Thomas Davoine
Project Members: Matthias Molnar, Michael Reiter, Karin Schönpflug
Project Duration: 2015 - 2018
Funding: EU Horizon 2020
Project Website:
Twitter: @ProjectFirstrun
Publication 1: Cross-country fiscal policy spillovers and capital-skill complementarity in currency unions (Working Paper by Thomas Davoine and Matthias Molnar in the IHS Economics Series)
Publication 2: Population aging, pensions and cross-country spillovers in currency unions (Research Report by Thomas Davoine)
Publication 3: Medium-run impacts of cross-country transfers through a European Union central budget: a general equilibrium evaluation (Research Report by Thomas Davoine)
Policy Brief 1: Foreign fiscal policy spillovers on Austria (Article by Thomas Davoine)
Project Information: FIRSTRUN is a multinational research project that aims to investigate fiscal policy coordination in the EU, to assess the coherence of the recent reforms in the economic governance framework, and to identify reforms to fill possible gaps in the current EU governance framework. The IHS team will develop a multi-country overlapping-generations model to quantify cross-country spillover effects from fiscal policy and to quantify the long-run gains from fiscal policy coordination.

Public Attitudes to Welfare, Climate Change and Energy in the EU and Russia (PAWCER)

Principal Investigator: Marcel Fink
Project Members: Johannes Pollak, Resul Umit
Project Duration: July 2016 – March 2018
Project Output: Research reports, international database on context indicators, journal articles
Funding: FWF Wissenschaftsfonds

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Macroeconomic Consequences of a Reform of the EU Directive on Posted Workers

Principal Investigator: Thomas Davoine
Project Members: Susanne Forstner, Helmut Hofer
Project Start: December 2017
Funding: Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance

Attitudes on Social Policy and Welfare State in Austria: Analysis and Development of an Austrian Welfare State Survey

Principal Investigator: Marcel Fink
Project Member: Peter Grand
Project Duration: July 2015 - April 2017
Project Output: working papers, journal articles, design of an Austrian Welfare State Survey
Funding: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB)

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Unemployment and labour market flows in Austria

Principal Investigator: Helmut Hofer
Project Members: Susanne Forstner, Tamas Papp, Michael Reiter
Project Start: March 2017
Funding: OeNB - Jubiläumsfonds Project No. 17378

Professional Training on EU Affairs (PONT)

Principal Investigator: Within PONT, Johannes Pollak will be the academic coordinator for three Working Europe Seminars
Project Duration: 2015 - August 2017
Project Output: Teaching and Training activities in selected topics and fields (migration and asylum policy; climate, environment and energy; and EU health), for young academics
Funding: the ERASMUS+/Jean Monnet Support to Institutions
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Parliamentary Communication of Europe (PACE)

Principal Investigator: Katrin Auel
Project Duration: October 2012 - August 2016
Project Output: Articles in high profile scientific journals and 2 Ph.D dissertation projects.
Funding: Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
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Erasmus Academic Network on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe (PADEMIA)

Principal Investigator: Within PADEMIA, Katrin Auel and Johannes Pollak lead the work package on: Parliaments and Citizens in Europe.
Project Duration: November 2013 - October 2016
Project Output: An Erasmus Academic Network on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe.
Funding: EU Lifelong Learning programme
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Heterogeneous agents in overlapping-generations models for policy analysis

Principal Investigator: Marcus Hagedorn
Project Team: Thomas Davoine, Susanne Forstner, Michael Reiter
Project Duration: 2014 - 2016
Funding: OeNB - Jubiläumsfonds Project No. 15477
Project Information: Policy makers have two concerns when designing reforms: avoid counterproductive feedback effects and avoid negative impacts on groups of households. Applied economists have quantitative tools to detect and measure each of these unwanted outcomes separately, but seldom together. We investigate the potential for making policy evaluation which deals with the two challenges at the same time, enriching an overlapping-generations model with theoretical components from heterogeneous agents theories under incomplete markets.

Options for public funding for long-term care

Principal Investigator: Monika Riedel
Project Team: Thomas Davoine, Philipp Poyntner, Gerlinde Titelbach
Project Duration: 2015
Contractor: Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
Project Information: Analysis of different options to finance long-term care in Austria, including general taxes, new social security contributions and mandatory private insurance. Macroeconomic, labor market and public finance impacts are quantified with IHS general equilibrium model (TaxLab).
See report (in German) for more info

Ex ante evaluation of the 2015-2016 Austrian tax reform

Principal Investigator: Sandra Müllbacher
Project Team: Helmut Hofer, Thomas Davoine, Raphaela Hyee, Michael Miess, Philipp Poyntner
Project Duration: 2015
Contractor: Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF)
Project Information: Ex ante analysis of the distributional, labor markets and macroeconomic impacts of the suggested income tax reform by the Austrian government, using IHS tax-benefit models (ITABENA and ILSA) and general equilibrium model (TaxLab)
See report (in German) for more info

Aging, Pension Reform and Current Account

Principal Investigator: Christian Keuschnigg
Project Team: Thomas Davoine, Philip Schuster
Project Duration: 2014 - 2015
Funding: OeNB - Jubiläumsfonds Project No. 15480
Project Information: Analysis of the impact of pension arrangements on the current account with an aging population, using an extension of IHS overlapping-generations model with pay-as-you-go pensions (TaxLab) to capital-funded pensions.
See report for more info

Study on the impacts of fiscal devaluation

Principal Investigator: CPB
Project Team: Thomas Davoine, Tibor Hanappi, Raphaela Hyee, Sandra Müllbacher, Philip Schuster
Project Duration: 2013
Contractor: European Commission (DG TAXUD)
Project Information: Ex-ante evaluation of macroeconomic impacts and distributional consequences of fiscal devaluation (decrease in labor income taxes compensated by increase in consumption taxes) for Austria, France, Italy and Spain
See report for more info

Aging, informality and public finances in Poland and Slovakia

Principal Investigator: Christian Keuschnigg
Project Team: Thomas Davoine, Philip Schuster
Project Duration: 2012 - 2013
Contractor: World Bank Group (Washington, DC)
Project Information: Using an expanded version of IHS overlapping-generations model (TaxLab) to formal and informal sectors, the study analyses pension financing options under an aging population when governments are confronted with large participation in informal labor markets.
See report for more info